Slavery in Hindsight: A Necessity?
What I found most interesting about today’s reading, “The Differences Slavery Made: A Close Analysis of Two American Communities”, was the early on introduction of arguments and viewpoints that suggested after all was said and done, slavery was to some degree a necessity for America to continue. I can’t say I completely agree with this but it is nonetheless an interesting notion. I certainly don’t like that slavery occupied such a long part of our history, and in a lot of ways still defines us to this day. But, when one thinks about the timeline where slavery had not existed in America, a very common historical outcome to think about, it’s interesting to consider the negative effects that such a timeline would have had on America. Would it have seriously harmed America’s overall progression and advancement? Would it have seriously damaged America’s economy? Would certain technologies not have come about without slavery? These and others like them are all very interesting questions to think about and that is why I found the early part of this article so very interesting.
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